Somaliland Presidential Election Should Be Fair and free Election

We remember our noble previous president Dahir Riyale Kahin, he clearly accept the results after Somaliland election and we believe his elections


Somaliland presidential election is approaching and all Somaliland citizens are ready to vote it. As we know, we have three candidates and we have a high expectations for all of them, but victory depends on Somaliland citizens. Many Somaliland citizens are worried about the election, because they believe that all of the candidates are very hunger for power and another problem is the division of Somaliland people on a tribal basis. Although many Somalilander and I are very optimistic for our three candidates, because the Somaliland Constitution has provided the fundamental framework for free and fair elections that have allowed peaceful transitions of power for all the world to see how truly exceptional Somaliland is. We remember our noble previous president Dahir Riyale Kahin, he clearly accept the results after Somaliland election and we believe his elections was one of the greatest in Somaliland history. I believe our great president Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud declared his decision and after election he will transfer his power to the new president.


Yesterday, I watched all candidates’ acceptance speeches. Each candidate discussed when they plan to meet with Somaliland election commission, all their promises to Somaliland people and international communities to keep peace. It’s a big commitment and I believe all presidential candidates have a strong political background at this time.

Here are my recommendation for all candidates and Somaliland people, as we know, we have a very young country. We do not really know about the democratic system very well, but we have a precious culture and always follow it. Therefore, all candidates should respect our citizen’s rights. This is your people and your country and our people need help and we need a great president with great leadership skills with a tremendous goal in order to reach our nation’s goals. Nowadays, our nation faces serious problems. We were in the greatest economic crisis, particularly: inflation and unemployment rates are very high, our central bank needs to be fixed. Therefore, I think we need to reform our financial institution like Somaliland’s central bank and they should use rules and regulations with (monetary and fiscal policies) because we need to reduce our inflation and unemployment rates and create jobs for Somaliland citizens, without discrimination and threat all Somaliland citizens are equal for any job.

In foreign affairs, our status as an international community is not recognized. We need to create strong commission. This commission will be searching and knocking on every door in the world and selling international communities, Somaliland. We need to get recognize from international communities and this election will select Somaliland’s next president and they will strong commission with knowledge and experience. International communities are selling our country, because our nation is a rich country including agriculture sector, livestock sector, marines sector, trust sector, and more.

Singapore is very tiny country in Asia, with very little natural resources and today, Singapore is leading in world economics. Singapore elected a great leader. Singapore geographical size is more less Sanag Region.

Nowadays, we have a big problem of tribalism. We are the same people and we are sharing many things including culture, land, religion, and blood relationship. I hope our next president should fight it and he will eliminated this problem. This is huge task for the next Somaliland president and it’s not easy to eliminate this problem, but if he has clear leadership goals, we will change many things in the country.

In conclusion, Somaliland’s next president will need to solve our nations’ problems including economic and social problems, because Somaliland just needs great leaders with great vision in order to reach our optimal goals. He will fight unemployment and inflation and also will keep our peace in our nation from corner to corner, because without peace we cannot move forward at all. And also it is very important to observe good faith and justice towards all regions; cultivate peace and harmony with all.

Thank you all and good luck!

Ali A. Hori, M.Ed.

San Diego, CA.


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